So, this year I've signed for five Mentalist Big bang Projects- Two little, and three big bangs. And I'm proud to say... Little bang #1: compelte with 5880 words, circa Little bang #2: compelte with 8100 words circa Big Bang #1: complete with 10650 words circa Big bang #2: complete with 19500 words circa Big bang #3: complete with 50345 words circa
Status of my 5 stories for the Menatlist Big Bang as Today, 12:00 am:
Little bang #1: compelte with 5880 words, circa Little bang #2: compelte with 8100 words circa Big Bang #1: complete with 10650 words circa Big bang #2: complete with 19500 words circa Big bang #3: done for half, one third at maximum; 16000 words circa already written.
I know I've been missing the last week, but I swear, I'll eventually make it up to you. works has been ectic, and time hasn't been on my side. but I'll try harder.....see you soon (and I promise, by the 18, I'll be able to say where I am with my mentalist reverse fic!)